Thursday, May 28, 2015

good and not good

I'm not doing so good about keeping this thing up, am I.
Not sure what's going on, but I'll keep trying. Just for you, J. :)

Today I had another dentist appointment early. This time the fit was right, so off it goes to become permanent teeth. So, another month, more likely.

Too wet and too much rain to mow. Still can't do handwork without too much pain. So, reading, and movies. Catching up on Dr. Who. I like it. Especially the Christmas ones.

Tomorrow morning I have someone coming to give me an estimate on a drainage issue I have with heavier rains. Should be an easy fix, but it's outside my abilities.

Working on the list for the lumber store for my next building project. It's a bit unusual, but something I've been wanting to build for such a long time. Had to build up my skills to get to the point I could try it. I'm ready now. A bit nervous, but ready. Well, once I get the wood. Pictures when it's done.

Speaking of pictures, I'm afraid I didn't get one of the newest fawn in the back acre. Too fast. Momma deer got it down in the tall grass quicker than I could get my camera. So there will be at least one fawn to watch grow up this year. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. I am so totally scared of power tools that I would never think of starting a project like that. I had a battery operated screw driver at one time and even it scared me. LOL
