Friday, May 22, 2015

Another picture day

Had a bit of clearing yesterday, but wasn't feeling up to hand mowing.
That's alright. The riding mower should be here today and I'll get it all caught up.

I spent yesterday getting caught up on laundry instead, and watching a few back episodes of Doctor Who. My friend in Arizona introduced me to it, and I'm enjoying catching up on them by way of Netflix.

Speaking of catching up, a few more photos for you...

Besides the centipede, ... I did tell you about that, didn't I? Anyway, I had another couple of visitors the past few days.

This guy came early in the morning:

And these three in the afternoon:

The wind was from the wrong direction so I couldn't get a better shot of them.

Recognize them?

They're the momma deer and twin fawns from when I first moved in here, nearly a year ago.

They're all grown up now, and momma deer is wide with new life. I hope she uses the back acre as her nursery again this year. It's wonderful watching the fawns grow up.

Speaking of new life, this growing of new leaves is the only time this type of maple turns red. In the fall, the leaves turn yellow before they fall. Not a sugar maple. Some other kind.

I like the color on them.

And one mystery tree that bloomed pink blossoms earlier this spring had small fruit, so I'm guessing it's an ornamental cherry:

What do you think?

Most of the delphiniums are a purple blue, but there are also some pink ones in the volunteers:

I'm not much of a flower gardener, but the woman who lived here before was, so I'm enjoying the fruits of her labor. I've more flower pictures saved up. I'll share more of them tomorrow. It's supposed to rain then, and so it's a good use of inside time, catching you up on the pictures, right?

And we can always use the rain. 

Hard to believe, all the rain this past year and areas of Texas are still in drought.
Not nearly as bad, though. Most of the lakes are working on recovering, and with the ground saturated, all the new rain runs off into the watershed and then into the lakes.

Rain, here, is nearly always a good thing. 

I try very hard to remember that when the weather makes me uncomfortable. 
A land of extremes, this place.

But when it's good, it's very good here. 

I'm hanging on to that thought, too.

Right. So, that 's enough for today.
Off I go.


  1. Does froggie eat centipedes? Looks like cherries on that tree, the birds should love them. Do you have birds? Love the deer!!!! I've been hoping all that rain is helping. Y'all sure need it--thinking of farmers especially.

    1. I think the frogs eat small flying things, not giant centipedes, but keeping those down is a good thing, too. Yes, I have birds, but I'm not very good at catching them with the camera...Cardinals, Jays, Mockingbirds, Nuthatch, Titmouse, Wrens (Love those!), and a long tail bird I can't remember the name.
