Monday, June 1, 2015

When the wind is from the north

Here in Central Texas, a southern breeze brings a welcome warmth in winter, and a north wind brings biting cold.

In spring, summer and fall, when the wind is from the south, it's sticky, hard to breathe humid, and too warm.

But when the temperatures rise into the low 80's and the air moves in from the north, it is wonderful to be outdoors.

Gentle breezes and low humidity make it a bit of heaven then.

Normally there are quite a few of those days from mid March through June.

This year, only three. Yesterday was one. Today is supposed to be another.

I spent quite a bit of time outside yesterday, clearing and burning brush.

The areas in the yard that were holding water have dried, and I'm forming plans for landscaping the ruined areas caused by the ponding.

Today I plan on clearing around the fence lines, and hanging out my sheets to dry on the line.

It's a good day to wash the car and I'll give the camper a bath, too. The weather's been too uncertain since I came back from my little camping trip to want to try to hook it up and pull it out of the safety of the garage.

A trip to the big town to get wood supplies was on my list for today, but I think tomorrow would be better. Mondays are always busy days for me. I take the weekend off of chores, so by Monday there are drifts of dog hair and cluttered surfaces that drive me distracted. It's also the day I change sheets, and do some desk work.

Trash goes out tonight, too, so I'm reminded to look around and see if there is anything outside to get rid of, or anything I want to declutter that can't be donated or recycled.

Tomorrow can be errand day. I need to go to the post office, too, and mail a couple of boxes overseas. I might do desk work tomorrow, too. I need to make some changes to my pattern sales system. Ravelry, who handles my pattern sales, has decided to collect and pay all associated VAT taxes required by the change in EURO tax law change at the start of the year. That means I can begin to sell to EURO countries again. Just a few website code changes should take care of it.

Nearly at the end of weather that allows me to do woodworking unless I buy a window air conditioner for the garage. I might. Not sure. When the temps get over 90 it's not much fun to be in a hot boxy room with no air flow. And I don't like using a box fan when I'm doing woodwork. It blows the sawdust all over and in my eyes, hair, etc. I'm nearly done with the projects I wanted to get done this year, anyway, so if I hurry and get done, I can put that decision off until this fall. Or next year, even. :)

Well, the list doesn't do itself, so off I go.


  1. Glad they got the VAT sorted out! I know that would have been a big problem for you--and others. Watch out for snakes in the back 40, heading out of the ponding toward higher ground! A window A/C wouldn't cost all that much--I don't think. Have fun and most of all--stay COOL man--always gotta stay cool!

    1. I'm glad too. Bigger pattern sellers just hire an accountant to handle it. It mostly hurt us little guys. Isn't it always like that. No worries about the snakes. My grass is short enough I can see them and walk the other way. It isn't the cost of the A/C that stops me. It's putting it in the window and taking it back out again. They're heavy. But it's a silly little thing, and easy to get some help twice a year, right?

    2. Yes--find a neighbor to help.

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